I’m sure we are all familiar with the most common abbreviations used in English. For instance, many of us use ASAP, BTW and FYI in everyday Finnish-language communications, too. However, how familiar are you with Swedish abbreviations? Do you know what p.g.a., pok or AB mean? Do you need a brief recap of the Swedish language and abbreviations?
Don’t worry if your Swedish is a little rusty. Below you can learn the most common abbreviations used in Swedish. You can also use this list for reference whenever you need it.
Iaf nu kör vi!
AB = aktiebolag = limited liability company
bl.a. = bland annat/bland andra = among other things
ca = cirka = approximately
dvs. = det vill säga = that is
e.d. = eller dylikt = etc.
exkl. = exklusive = excluding
fr.o.m. = från och med = as of
jfr = jämför = compared to
iaf = i alla fall = in any case
inkl. = inklusive = including
kl. = klocka = at (time)
l. = eller = or
m.a.o. = med andra ord = in other words
m.fl. = med flera = among other things
mvh = med vänliga hälsningar = best regards
ngn, ngt = någon, något = someone/something
nr = nummer = number
obs. = observera = note
o.d. = och dylikt = etc.
osv. = och så vidare = and so on
p.g.a. = på grund av = on the grounds of something
pok = puss och kram = hugs and kisses (often at the end of a message)
rea = realisation = sale
s.k. = så kallad = so-called
t.ex. = till exempel = for example
t.o.m. = till och med = even