Interpreting equipment to match your needs

We help our customers choose the optimal interpreting method and technology for both virtual and on-site meetings and conferences.

Delingua has a strong capacity for cooperation and they’re open to new ideas and technology.

Are you looking for a customer story?

Watch a video of Hans-Peter Siefen, Co-Founder of Nordic Business Forum, on collaboration with Delingua Language Services.

See how Delingua has helped Nordic Business Forum.

News and articles

11th year of interpreting at Nordic Business Forum

How generative AI can help elevate your work and boost efficiency

The future of termbase management

Why accuracy is critical to medical translations

Validation – high-quality translations are a joint effort 

Artificial intelligence – the latest localisation superpower


Should we set up a meeting?

We’d really like to hear about your language service needs. Leave a message and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible.

If you want to request a quote or order now, you can do so here.

Get a quote or order now

If you need a translation right now, you can submit a quote request or place an order by uploading your documents and filling in the assignment information. You will receive a detailed quote or order confirmation from us in no time.