Successful translations require teamwork. Although the key person in the translation process is the translator and their tools, they alone are not able to achieve ideal quality. In the translation process, the best possible result always requires input from the translation agency’s other employees as well as the customer. Validation is perhaps the most important tool for assessing the linguistic quality of translations.
If you are a customer, you may be asking why you should contribute to the process – it’s our job, after all. You are correct and, as a customer, your involvement is not obligatory. But if you want the best result, it is in your best interest to participate in the process – especially through feedback.
To some extent, language is a matter of opinion. We are all fluent in at least our own native tongue, and many of us also know several other languages. Therefore, we all have a lot of opinions about language. This is especially true in work contexts if language plays a central role in our work and we put a lot of thought into how a message should be conveyed. We know how we want to address the reader, and perhaps the organisation we work in has even defined common rules for what kinds of images we should evoke.
Even if these rules are self-explanatory within the organisation and come naturally to you, they may not be self-evident to the translator. The translator is always a bit of an outsider and depends on what they are told about your preferred language and its nuances. This is where teamwork comes into play: the ideal translation process involves cooperation to ensure that the translation matches the customer’s communication needs as closely as possible. By providing feedback on the translations, the customer can ensure that each translation is better than the one before and closer to the customer’s ideal.
Validation as a tool
One of the most important tools for the process described above is validation. This means a review by the customer after the translation has been completed. It may often be carried out by an expert whose main work tasks do not include translation. The expert is responsible for checking, in particular, the terminology and style, and assessing whether they are in line with the customer’s brand. Other review work can also be done at the same time.
Validation in itself is a simple step, and there is no doubt about its usefulness, but it is still often skipped altogether. Typically, validation is carried out by sending PDF or DOCX files to vendors or technical experts, for example. The expert will use the comment or track changes functions to add their own comments and corrections to the document. These will be included in the final version and imported into the translation memory by the translation agency. This process is quite laborious and may complicate version control, which are the main reasons why it is often skipped.
Validation with system support
At LanguageWire, workflow and translation work are based on a shared platform used by customers, translators and internal project managers. Using a single platform has many benefits, especially in terms of translation project communications and transparency.
The validation step also takes place entirely on this platform, which makes the process quick and efficient. Usually, the validation step is added as soon as the project is created.
Validation takes place after the translators have done their work. The experts assigned to the project will receive an automatic message from the system and, by clicking on the link, they will be forwarded to the right project. There is no need to search for the project or upload any files, and the expert can start working in their browser right away.
Validation is done in the same tool that the translators use, and the validator has access to all the same information. This means, for example, that they will automatically be able to view the correct terminology if there is a glossary attached. This helps to avoid situations where outdated or otherwise incorrect terminology is used in the text during the validation phase. The validator also has access to other tools, such as proofreading and translation tools. Our user-friendly interface ensures that you do not need to be a professional translator to benefit from the translation platform. Everything you need can be done with basic browser skills.
In addition to possible corrections, the validator can also communicate with the translator, which helps to quickly solve potential dilemmas. Since everyone works in the same digital environment, all corrections are also saved directly in the translation memory, and they do not need to be separately exported at the end of the project.
In order to ensure the best possible translation quality and that the translator and proofreader learn as much as possible, a language specialist will check the changes made by the validator at the end. This ensures that all changes follow the customer’s own standards and, of course, the general rules of the language.
Would you like to discuss your organisation’s language needs? Contact us via email at for further information!