The key to legal translations is accuracy.

Translating legal texts is a specialised field all of its own and requires particular diligence. Terms and concepts are precisely defined and many phrases are based on the law or other legally binding sources.

In addition to excellent language skills, legal translators must understand the legal impacts of the text to be translated.

Would you like to know about GDPR practices in a translation agency?

Why should you think about the GDPR when choosing a translation agency? What should you pay attention to in translation service agreements? How are translation agency tools related to the General Data Protection Regulation?

Read more about the processing of confidential information in one of our blogs.

News and articles

11th year of interpreting at Nordic Business Forum

How generative AI can help elevate your work and boost efficiency

The future of termbase management

Why accuracy is critical to medical translations

Validation – high-quality translations are a joint effort 

Artificial intelligence – the latest localisation superpower


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